Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day
from the Three Amigos!

Talking to Gran

I was pretty sick for over a week -
so my wonderful Mom came to the rescue!
Sometimes I need her as much as my little ones need me -
and I am so thankful that she was willing and able to come take care of us!

As most of you know, my mom is the "Baby Whisperer."
So, she and Daniel are like two peas in a pod.
Can you see the adoration in his face
as he "talks" to Gran?

Snuggle Time with Siblings

Kate and Matthew both love to hold Daniel.
They call it "snuggle time" and
we try to help them get in some snuggle time
in every day!
(Notice that Matthew is holding Daniel's hand.
So sweet!)

Erika & Daniel

My cousin, Erika, and her fiance, Daniel,
came over one night to meet Baby Daniel
and hang-out!
It was really fun to catch up!

Stir Crazy!

After over a week of being pretty house-bound
because of the snow and new baby,
we were all ready for an outing!
So, Tim and I took the kids to one of our favorite places
to let off steam -
the Udvar-Hazy museum!
The museum has lots of neat airplanes to look at
and plenty of wide open space for the kids to run around...
oh, and a McDonald's.
Daniel slept through most of his first museum visit.

Snow Day!

Kate and Matthew were absolutely delighted
to have a snow day at the end of January!
Daniel and I stayed warm and dry inside
while Tim and the big kids played outside.

Cousin Round-Up

Uncle Jon and Aunt Loren brought
Cousins Anna, Ben and Drew
to meet Daniel
and to play with Kate and Matthew
when Daniel was only 9 days old!
It was so sweet of them to drive up
to spend just a few hours together -
and was a really neat time together!
These kids are going to have so much fun growing up together!

Here's photographic evidence
(although it's really tough to get a good picture of SIX kids!):

Friday, February 8, 2013

First Days at Home

We were so ready and thankful to go home
after four days in the hospital.
See my handsome boys???
Beautiful boy!
So big!
And ready for a bath!
Daniel didn't love his first sponge bath at home -
but he's much, much happier in the baby bath tub!
All clean and snuggly!
And ready for his close-up.
We celebrated Daniel's one-week birthday
with special cupcakes baked by Kate!
I know I've fallen off the blogging wagon this year -
and, between caring for three kids and juggling busy careers,
I can't promise to be better.
We'll see how it goes!

More Special Visitors at Hospital

Kate and Matthew were so excited to come meet their baby brother at the hospital -
and I was absolutely overjoyed to have all three of my babies in the same room.

Both of the kids have been very sweet about the baby in their own special way.
Here, they are demonstrating the baby-holding technique that they had been practicing.
As soon as they met Daniel, both kids wanted to unwrap him from his swaddling banket.
I definitely understand the desire to get a good look at him -
I think I did the same thing when I finally got to hold him!
Kate and Matthew were (are!) especially fascinated by his toes!
Nana and Great Pop also came to visit us at the hospital!
Here they are with their sixth great-grandchild!
Kate and Matthew each got a chance to come back to the hospital
on their own special trip with a grandparent. 
Since we had a longer hospital stay (4 days), I'm so glad that we did this. 
It was less chaotic to have one child visitor at a time and
was a very special bonding time for each sibling with their new brother.

Here's Matthew playing doctor (like Uncle Jon).
Matthew shows his affection for Daniel by helping take care of the baby.
He's a champ at helping with diaper changes, feedings, baths, etc.
Kate shows her affection by being preparing sweet and thoughtful gifts
and by being helpful to the grown-ups.
It's been so fun to see both of the older kids use their personalities and gifts
to show love and affection.
Here is Kate with one of many, many art projects she made for Daniel.
Baby Daniel was exhausted by all the activity of his first few days...
Or this was a milk-induced coma...
I'm not sure I remember which!

Happy Birthday, Daniel!

Meet Daniel!

We joyfully announce the arrival of
Daniel Harrington George,
born exactly four weeks ago
on Friday, January 11th.
Daniel was delivered by C-section by Dr. Elliott,
the same doctor who delivered both Kate and Matthew.
Daniel weighed in at 8 pounds, 9 ounces
and was 20.5 inches long.
We're absolutely smitten with the little guy.
Here's why:

Here's a quick synoposis of Daniel's big day:

Last photo as a party of four
Tim in his smurf outfit for surgery
(the kiddos love this picture!)
Here's the sweet guy just a few minutes after birth:

My mom (Gran) was at the hospital during my surgery
so that she could help take care of Tim, Daniel and me.
It was so special to have her be a part of this -
she has actually held all 3 of my babies before I did.

Daniel's first check-up.
We're so thankful that he's a healthy boy!
First bath in the hospital nursery
Grandma and Papa graciously came up to help take care of Kate and Matthew
while Daniel and I were in the hospital.
They were our second visitors!
 Does Papa look proud or what?