Sunday, June 27, 2010

Fun with Uncle Jon & Aunt Loren

We had a really fun visit with Uncle Jon and Aunt Loren this weekend!
Kate basked in the glory of being the focus of their undivided attention
one last time before her baby brother and TWIN cousins arrive this fall!
It's fun being pregnant with my sweet sister-in-law!
Here we are at 27 weeks (me) and 21 weeks (Loren).

On Saturday night, the NoVA Gleasons came over for dinner!
Here we are with my grandparents and all of their grandkids
and great-grandkids.
We really missed my parents!

Here is my goofy, goofy brother being...
Think I should submit this one to

Update on Miss Daisy

In case you've been wondering about how Miss Daisy is faring...

I would say that Kate is still pretty obsessed!
Here she is with Miss Daisy Numbers 1 through 10 of 12.

May Photos at Washington National Cathedral

Here's another round of photos from our favorite photographer,
Bonnie Miller of Polka Dot Portraits!
These were taken in May at the Washington National Cathedral.