Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Being Honest...

Sometimes a family photo session is a total disaster.

And this was the best one.
Oh well.
The kids really were cute in their Easter finery...
but you're gonna have to trust me on this one!

Happy Easter!

 We had a wonderful time celebrating Easter as a family of five!

 My little bunnies!
 So excited!

This is picture is so typical of my sweet Matthew!

Fourth Annual Easter Egg Hunt

 On the Saturday before Easter, we hosted our Fourth Annual Easter Egg Hunt!
We love this tradition of celebrating with friends and family
and this year we added a new twist and co-hosted with our good friends,
Tiffany and Mitch Martin!

Monday, April 1, 2013

The Coloring of the Eggs

Grandma and Papa were up this weekend returning my precious Kate
after entertaining her for a week in North Carolina.
She was absolutely thrilled to have them all to herself -
but, boy, was I happy to have her home!
While they were up visiting,
we dyed Easter eggs.
So fun!

Three Smiles

We have been blessed with 3 happy, healthy children...
and Daniel may be the "smiley-est" one yet!
Here are 3 for your entertainment:

Smile #1:  Big
 Smile #2:  Bigger
 Smile #3:  Biggest
Could you pick a favorite?
I think not!

Trip to Roanoke

Two weeks ago, we embarked on our first road trip as a party of 5.
We went to Roanoke to visit my brother and his sweet family.
Gran and Pop were there, too!
Here's how it went...

Trip Down There on Friday = Smooth (less than 4 hours door-to-door)
Return Travel on Sunday = Total Nightmare (over 7 hours door-to-door)

But, the middle was so very sweet! 

I love the photo below because it demonstrates the teamwork required
to survive a weekend with SIX kids age 4 and under.
Thank goodness we make a good team!

My beautiful Mom and a view of Roanoke.
Pop being goofy.
Who's surprised?
My kiddos never tire of time with Gran!
All the cousins waiting on the zoo train to arrive!
And they're off!

What could be better than a lion statue to climb over with your cousins?

 Perhaps kicking around a soccer ball?
 While we were with the family,
we celebrated Matthew's half birthday with cupcakes!
Now he can't wait until his "whole" birthday!

Spring at the National Zoo

 On the first warm-ish, spring-like Saturday of the year,
we joined approximately 1,000,000 of our fellow Washingtonians
at the National Zoo.
It was a special trip because it was Daniel's first visit...
but, if this year is anything like the last 4 years,
we'll be there several more times before it's cold again!

 By the time they were 9 weeks old, both Kate and Matthew
(my July and September babies) had spent TONS of time outside and in the stroller.
But, I think this was actually Daniel's first outdoor stroller experience.
He seemed to like it.
 Yes, in case you were wondering, Miss Daisy is still very much a party of the family.
I love these photos of Kate sporting her favorite accessory -
a well-loved pink bunny in her pocket.

My sweeties!