Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Ahoy Mate!

Uncle Ted, Aunt Annie, Abby & Barrett came up to visit a couple of weeks ago. While they were here, Ted, Annie and I took Kate and Abby on their very first boat ride! We caught the water taxi in Old Town and went across the Potomac River to have lunch at National Harbor. Everyone had a blast! Thanks so much for coming to visit!

Ted & Abby relaxing while we waited for the boat to arrive for our return trip home.
We were about half an hour early... or maybe it was half an hour late... for the boat.
(It's a long story.)
But, in any event, we had a little while to wait!
Kate ADORES her cousin Abby!
Can you blame her???

Our handsome nephew!
Barrett, we promise to take you on a boat ride
when you're just a little older!

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