Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Inside Voices

Kate is becoming quite the little chatterbox! It's hilarious! Usually she goes right to sleep in her car seat, but yesterday she jabbered away during the entire trip to the library. I didn't realize just how loud she was until we got into the really quiet library and were surrounded by people with their noses in books. Oops! One of these days we are going to have to work on more advanced communication skills - like using "inside voices" and whispering... not to mention using actual words! But, for now, I'm just delighted that little Kate is finding her voice!


Anonymous said...

Caroline's favorite word is "uh-oh" as she drops something (intentionally) for the 15th time... glad Kate is using her lungs for something other than crying! :)

Rachel said...

That's hilarious! But probably frustrating to you and John! I have a lot to look forward to!