Tuesday, September 30, 2008

2 Month Stats

Today is Kate's 2 month birthday!

To celebrate,
I took her to see Dr. Atiyeh for a weigh-in and some vaccinations.

Kate continues to excel at growing!
She weighs 12 pounds, 11 ounces.
She is nearly 24 inches tall.
That's right folks -
Kate is in the 90th percentile for height and weight.

My poor baby got two shots.
(Check out the blue band-aid on each leg.)
I have been dreading the needles for days
but Kate took them with very little protest.

The oral vaccine was an entirely different story.
That was more like World War III.

According to Kate, anything in a dropper should be yummy -
like grape Tylenol.

I concur.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Who Ate My Rice Krispy Treats?

My mom knows that I absolutely love Rice Krispy treats. In fact, one of the many things I look forward to about visiting her next week is that I know that I can count on her to make a batch for me! I'm not exaggerating - I actually got really excited about Rice Krispy treats last night and couldn't remember why I don't make them for myself. So, I decided to whip up a batch.
Well, there are two reasons. The first reason is obvious and struck me immediately upon my first bite - Mom makes them with the perfect marshmallow/cereal ratio that I never can seem to duplicate in my own kitchen. The second reason didn't hit me until this afternoon - it's because the pan looks like this 24 hours after the marshmallows cool...
"So," you ask, "Who ate all the Rice Krispy treats?" And the only honest answer is, "ME!"

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Picnic in the Park

Although it's been raining pretty steadily the last several days, the sky finally cleared up enough this morning to meet Jen, Lynda and Elaine and their hubbies and kids for a picnic in the park.

Kate slept through most of the outing. Here is what she missed...
Eating chips with Justin and Elaine...
Climbing on the fun picnic tables with Chase and Lynda...
And chasing bubbles with Gavin and Jen.

Oh well, maybe next time.

Thanks so much for organizing the picnic, Elaine and Jason! We had a great time!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

8 Weeks Old

We took these pictures yesterday morning in honor of Kate's 8 week birthday. (Doesn't she look adorable in the Osh Kosh overall dress from Aunt Loren and Uncle Jon?) This time with Kate has been really amazing. She is so precious and it's fun to watch her grow and develop. Although she's only 8 weeks old, it's nearly impossible to remember life without her! We love you, sweet girl!

Mobile Magic

Kate isn't exactly taking long naps in her crib yet - so it's pretty hard for me to find even small chunks of time to get things done around the house. Whenever I need a few minutes to change the laundry, to bring in grocery bags, or even to just be alone for a few minutes, I know that I can count on the mobile to help me out. All I need to do is lie Kate in her crib, crank the knob to her mobile a few times, creep quietly towards the nursery door and... PRESTO CHANGO! I have a happy and entertained baby for at least 10 minutes! It's what I call the Mobile Magic!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Inside Voices

Kate is becoming quite the little chatterbox! It's hilarious! Usually she goes right to sleep in her car seat, but yesterday she jabbered away during the entire trip to the library. I didn't realize just how loud she was until we got into the really quiet library and were surrounded by people with their noses in books. Oops! One of these days we are going to have to work on more advanced communication skills - like using "inside voices" and whispering... not to mention using actual words! But, for now, I'm just delighted that little Kate is finding her voice!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

TJ's Football Game

Kate attended her very first live football game today! We drove out to Manassas to watch my cousin, TJ, play. We were so proud of his team's victory and TJ's hard work on the field! In fact, Kate was so excited by it all that she couldn't sleep last night. (Bummer!)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Play Date with Lillie

Kate and I had another play date with Jessica and Lillie Plowgian today. It was a gorgeous day so we decided to go for a walk down the Mount Vernon trail and had a picnic lunch by the Potomac River. The babies really seemed to enjoy being outdoors and were definitely fascinated by the light breeze and the light shining through the leaves of the tree we sat under for our picnic.
It has been so fun to have a friend to hang-out with while I'm on maternity leave! I really enjoy spending time with Jessica and we have a lot in common - she and Tim were law school classmates and worked at the same law firm in Atlanta, Jessica and her husband lived just around the corner from us in Atlanta and, now that we all live in the DC area, we have little girls born at the same hospital about 2 weeks apart! We're looking forward to many more play dates this fall!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Littlest Bulldawg Fan

Fall is - by far - my favorite time of year! Fall means the promise of crisp weather, tailored autumn clothes and cozy sweaters, brand new school supplies - and, of course, UGA football! Tim and I are having so much fun sharing these traditions with Kate! And, as you can see, she looks great in Red & Black!

We had a really fun weekend! My brother came to visit us and played the role of doting Uncle Jon perfectly! In honor of his visit, Kate slept 7 hours straight on Friday night. Hurrah! We also enjoyed watching the Bulldogs eeck out a win over the South Carolina Gamecocks and hosting a pizza party for the NoVa Gleasons (Nana, Pop, Uncle Chris, Aunt Ingrid, Lee, TJ and Karin). We were all sad when we dropped Jon off at the train station. Thanks for coming to visit us, Uncle Jon! We can't wait to see you again soon!