Sunday, June 26, 2011

I Love My Baby Brother

Kate loves her baby brother...

at least as long as he isn't touching her stuff...

or looking at her stuff...

or thinking about touching her stuff.

They are starting to play together

more and more

and it's pretty darn cute.

They have fun wrestling in the Family Room

and hanging out in the backyard.

Kate loves to play "restaurant"

and "grocery store"

and Matthew is a willing pawn in these games,

moving seamlessly among roles as

diner, shopper or cashier.

He might even get an award for "Best Actor" one day...

but only after Kate is the "Best Director."

So big!

So strong!

Ok, what parent can resist

the obligatory sibling bathtub photos?

We promises ourselves we'd never do this...

but we've broken a lot of pre-Kate

promises about parenthood.

And this was actually Kate's idea.

I promise.

So, what they heck...

So clean!

So insistent on dumping water on her brother!

So over it!

But, so stinkin' cute!

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