Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Birthday Extravaganza - Zoo Animal Party with Friends

Kate was really excited about the "Zoo Animal" party
with her friends!
We told her last weekend that the party would be on Saturday,
what did she ask me every single morning?
"Mommy, is it Saturday?"
Well, Saturday FINALLY came
and we had a blast celebrating Kate's birthday with our friends!

Lela, Emily, Lindsay & Tiffany

The swingswet was a HUGE hit with the kiddos!
And I was relieved that we had a bit of a break in the heat!

Pennas, Browns and Luongos

Gathering to sing "Happy Birthday!"

Kate was completely obsessed with the cake!
She didn't want to let it out of her sight...

... the only thing that could distract her from looking at the cake...
was the opporutnity to EAT the cake!

Once again, my Mom proved that she has earned her title
as "The Baby Whisperer"!
Here she is with Christy & Sophie.
This was one happy birthday girl!
Although seeing my baby's 2nd birthday come to an end
was definitely bittersweet,
the party was the perfect culmination
of the Birthday Extravaganza!
Thanks to all our family and friends
who helped celebrate with us!

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