Sunday, May 23, 2010

More Fun in the Sun!

We had a great vacation in South Carolina!
(At least after everyone was feeling better!)
We enjoyed gorgeous weather
at a beautiful beach resort!
But, most of all,
we enjoyed some precious time together as a family.
Here are some more highlights:

Tim's sand castles got more elaborate as the week wore on.

Strawberry ice cream on the boardwalk!

Swinging with Miss Daisy at the playground.

My sun-kissed beach baby!

Kate especially loved the swimming pool!
We stopped by Kingstree, South Carolina to visit
Aunt Lynn, Uncle Billy, Aunt Lynn,
my cousins, Amy, Casey and Blakely,
and their adorable kiddos Loudon and Cannon
on the way home!
I can't believe I didn't get my camera out while we were there!

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