Sunday, July 26, 2009

Ladybug Invasion!

Grandma George made the most adorable ladybug sugar cookies
for Kate's birthday party!
(The theme is ladybugs, of course!)
So, on Saturday night we had Grandma and Papa George
and Gran and Pop Gleason
over to ice the cookies and assemble some birthday presents
(because all kid toys, as you know, require assembly!)
We had a ton of fun and worked late into the night decorating these cookies!
I can't believe my baby is turning 1 this week!


Unknown said...

so CUTE! oh I love pandas!
Here I bought a cuddly panda bag (L) that I can hardly put it down!
I believe it is a GREAT find for every panda fanatic!

jenniferleeshea said...

The cookies were so yummy! Now, I know why they were homemade! Thanks, Grandma George!