Monday, February 14, 2011

My Sweet Valentines

Look at my sweet Valentines!
We had fun celebrating with the kids
before work this morning.
Matthew enjoyed bouncing around in his new jumper.
In other news,
check out the gorgeous jungle quilt
Grandma made for Matthew!

Rice Cereal: It's All Uphill from Here

After months of enviously watching us eat,
Matthew finally got his chance.
he had to start with rice cereal.
"What IS this stuff?
Where's the Snap, Crackle & Pop?"
"You have GOT to be kidding me!"
"Are you for real???"
"On second thought... it's not so bad."
The good thing about starting with rice cereal?
It's all uphill from here!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Back to Work

I am so thankful for my nice, long maternity leave!
After four months at home,
it was time to head back to the salt mines on Monday.
The first week back went well.
Even though I missed the kiddos terribly,
I was excited to dive back into my practice
and, ya know, have an excuse to shower!
I think the hard part is going to be traveling
tomorrow through Wednesday.
I've never been away from Kate or Matthew that long!
Thanks to my wonderful husband
and his wonderful parents -
the kids will be in amazing hands.
So, don't waste any of your worrying on them...
I'm the one who might need it!

Fond Farewell

Uncle Ted, Aunt Annie and cousins, Abby & Barrett,
are moving back to Charlotte this weekend.
We really hate to see them go -
but did enjoy a couple of final play dates
as neighbors to ease the pain!
Tim, Kate and Abby enjoyed playing "fashion designer"
with scraps of fabric from Grandma's quilts
and, of course,
everyone loves a good snack!
We miss you guys!
Can't wait to visit you in Charlotte!