Last week, Matthew and I ventured to Columbus, Ohio
to spend a few days with our dear friends, the Kesslers!
It was a long drive in less than ideal conditions
but Matthew was a merry little traveling companion
and it was all worth it
to FINALLY get my hands on the adorable
Miss Audrey Jane!
At just shy of 10-months,
she is full of light and life -
just like her precious Mama!
We really miss you guys
and hope to see you again really soon!
Meanwhile, here are some fun photos of the kiddos meeting:

After saying "hello" and spending a few minutes getting to know one another,

Miss Audrey thought she might relieve Matthew of his paci...

... but Matthew didn't mind one bit!
(Look at that smooth move!)

Griffin kept careful watch over the babies
so that Laura and I could visit.

"Wow, Mom! Look what Audrey can do!!!"

Matthew really seemed to like Griffin -
I guess he seemed like a big stuffed animal.
Maybe we'll have to look into getting a dog one of these days...