Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Girly Stuff

Have I mentioned lately that I LOVE being Kate's mom???
She had been asking me for several days to paint her toenails...
and I finally gave in last night.
I'm so glad I did!
We had a fun mommy/daughter bonding moment!

Kate is so proud of her pretty red toes
is taking advantage of every opportunity
to show them off!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy Fourth of July!

Happy Fourth of July!
We had fun celebrating the holiday with the Georges.
While Uncle Ted was here,
he helped us settle our ongoing debate
about whether an inflatable pool in the backyard
is "too redneck..."
(We love you, Uncle Ted!)

But, seriously, the kids had a blast!
And, with a couple of extra days in the weekend,
I was able to squeeze in a little extra time in the kitchen!
Here's the punch bowl cake I made for
Aunt Annie's birthday:

Little Bo Peep

Kate came running to me on Sunday afternoon,
paint roller in hand,
"Look, Mommy! Look! I'm a shepherd!"
Ummm... Adorable!
So, I did what any mother would do...
I explained that paint rollers are tools for grown-ups
and re-directed her to a more appropriate toy...
I grabbed her lamb and snapped a few pictures!
So - you're probably wondering why we had a paint roller lying around.
Well, we've been on a bit of a painting kick lately.
In fact, you can see in these photos that we painted
Baby Brother's room blue.
We also painted Kate's room yellow...
Just in time for her "big girl" room furniture
to be delivered later this week!
I'll post more pictures of our home improvement projects
when we've made more progress!