Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Kate's First Sleepover

Tim and I hosted a baby shower at our house on Saturday night.
So, Kate had her first sleepover at Grandma and Papa's house.
She did great... but I really missed her!

Look What I Found...

Look what I found last Saturday morning!
Kate was soooo proud of herself...
And Daddy promptly dropped the crib mattress.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

... And Also in Color

These photos were also taken by Bonnie Miller of Polka Dot Portraits
for Kate's 6 month photo shoot
(which actually didn't happen until 7 months).

Still Adorable in Black & White

These photos were taken by Bonnie Miller of Polka Dot Portraits
for Kate's 6-month photo shoot
(which actually didn't happen until Kate was 7 months old).

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Kate's First Vacation - Day 4

Day Four
We were able to spend a good part of the day relaxing by the pool
before heading back to the airport.
It was so hard to say "good-bye" and head back to reality.
But, all in all, this trip was the perfect cure to our winter cabin fever!
Here are some of the highlights of Day 4:
Kate was Miss Bright Eyes at breakfast!

Kate like to watch the big kids swim...

And then squeal when she got to try herself!
By Day 4, she was splashing and kicking around in the water,
babbling to all the other kids,
and even intentionally putting her face in the water.
A fond farewell to a beautiful hotel.
We hope to see you again next year!

Kate's First Vacation - Day 3

Day Three
The highlight of the 3rd day of our vacation was venturing out to the beach.
The water in the ocean was icy cold but
Kate had a blast playing in the sand!

Kate's First Vacation - Day 2

Day Two
In keeping with the George family tradition,
we spent most of the first day of our vacation napping.
It's very important to be rested for all of the fun ahead.
But, we did manage to get some playtime in the grass before
our heads hit the pillow.
Here are some of the highlights from Day 2:
I seriously think this kid would sleep anywhere!

Gorgeous pool - and not too crowded!

Kate's First Vacation

Kate's First Vacation
We spent a glorious mini-vacation in Miami at the end of February!
Although Kate has traveled with us to see my parents,
this was her first real vacation experience.
She was really adaptable to all of the changes in her schedule and environment
and proved herself to be an excellent little travel companion.
Our life has been pretty insanely hectic the last couple of months -
so we were really thankful for this precious family time!
Here are some highlights from Day 1:
Snoozing on the floor of our hotel room while we waited for the bellman to bring a crib

Enjoying lunch at a perfect beach-side bar!

Sporting the shades

Kate's first dip in a swimming pool -
at first she was confused by the giant bath tub -
but she warmed up to the idea really quick!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day!
We had so much fun loving on Kate on her very first Valetine's Day!
We spent the day playing together and visiting Nana and Great Pop.
We love you, Katie Bug!
Kate's very first Valentine's Day roses!

I know I've posted several messy face pictures lately -
but, seriously, how could you resist this adorable face?!?