Saturday, September 27, 2008

Picnic in the Park

Although it's been raining pretty steadily the last several days, the sky finally cleared up enough this morning to meet Jen, Lynda and Elaine and their hubbies and kids for a picnic in the park.

Kate slept through most of the outing. Here is what she missed...
Eating chips with Justin and Elaine...
Climbing on the fun picnic tables with Chase and Lynda...
And chasing bubbles with Gavin and Jen.

Oh well, maybe next time.

Thanks so much for organizing the picnic, Elaine and Jason! We had a great time!

1 comment:

shea-mccracken said...

Thanks for posting, Rachel! I just caught up with your blog again. It's terrific. Kate is getting so big. Hope you are enjoying your time with mom and pop. See you soon!